Congratulations! You are stepping up to one of the finest high performance single engine airplanes available today. Its speed and economy are unmatched in its class.
Squadron One uses this standardized pilot check-out program to instruct you in the proper operating procedures and to introduce you to the flight characteristics that are unique to this airplane. We must insist that the airplane be handled properly and not subjected to mistreatment. We must also insure that you have the knowledge, confidence, pilot skills and mature judgment demanded of the pilot by this high performance aircraft.
This outline will be used by your instructor as a guide to direct your attention to the specific knowledge and skill areas necessary to operate this airplane properly, safely, and efficiently. Please be advised that the owners of these aircraft have requested that no smoking be allowed on board.
I. MANUALS No flying will commence until you have thoroughly studied the aircraft flight manual and have become cockpit familiar by sitting in the airplane and locating all controls and instruments. Aircraft check-out will not be completed until you have read the autopilot and avionics manuals and have received instruction in their use.
II. CHECKLISTS Continuous safe operation of any aircraft demands the proper use of WRITTEN checklists for every phase of flight, from preflight through shutdown. Absolute compliance with this basic rule of safety will be stressed by your instructor. The old acronym, GUMP, will be used only after all written checklist items have been completed and only on final approach as a FINAL measure of safety.
III. PREFLIGHT Aircraft weight and balance are a very serious consideration because of the long range fuel tanks. Be aware that four FAA average size passengers (170 lbs. each), plus full fuel, could put you as much as 150 lbs. over gross! You will have to make prior arrangements through the club or with the pilots flying the plane before you, to have the plane left for you with less fuel on board. The pilots not refueling to accommodate you will pay you for 9 gallons of fuel for each Hobbs hour or portion thereof. Specific preflight items will be pointed out by your instructor should you encounter any difficulty. Be sure the baggage door is securely closed, but NOT locked, for flight. Complete written preflight checklist.
IV. BEFORE STARTING Complete written checklist items in sequence. Cold and hot engine starting procedures will be reviewed. When hot, fuel injected engines will not start unless the proper technique is used. Continuous cranking of the starter will only ruin the starter motor. Please, limit starter operation to a maximum of 10 seconds with 60 second intervals.
V. AFTER STARTING Complete written checklist items.
VI. TAXI Complete written checklist items. Nosewheel steering is very positive. Brakes are used only to control taxi speed or make very tight radius turns. Use extreme caution when taxiing on soft surfaces. The gear door panels and propeller have minimal ground clearance. Move throttle and prop controls slowly and smoothly, as the engine is equipped with a counterweighted crankshaft and damage could occur. Cowl flaps: open during ground operation. Ram air closed.
VII. RUN-UP & BEFORE TAKE-OFF Do not perform run-up on dirt or loose gravel areas. Complete checklist items. Perform autopilot check and electric trim check.
VIII. TAKE-OFF CAUTION! Due to the more perpendicular design of the Mooney rudder pedals, particular attention must be paid to insure that your heels are back far enough on the floor to preclude inadvertent toe-brake operation and attempted take-off with partial brake pressure. Apply power smoothly. (Take 5 seconds to bring in full power.) Rotation must occur at 62 to 65 KIAS to preclude wheelbarrowing and subsequent loss of directional control. Gear UP when runway landing is no longer possible and before attaining 108 KIAS. Maintain Vy. Flaps UP after passing 300 ft. AGL. After passing safe altitude reduce power to 26" MAP and 2600 RPM. Cruise climb speed as desired or as necessary for engine cooling. Monitor MAP and cylinder head and oil temperatures during climb.
IX. CRUISE Complete written cruise checklist. Set power by reference to power charts. Lean mixture to peak EGT, then enrich mixture to 50°F (30°C) lower than peak.
X. BEFORE DESCENT Complete written descent checklist. Pre-plan your descent profile so you will not have to reduce power below 15" MAP during descent. (You will need 45-50 miles to make a normal descent from 8000 to 1000 ft. AGL, and have enough time to slow down and enter a traffic pattern.) Gradually enrich mixture during descent.
XI. IN-RANGE Complete written in-range checklist 15-20 miles out. Plan your arrival in the vicinity of the traffic pattern to allow at least one full minute of constant altitude flight, to dissipate airspeed to 115-110 KIAS for traffic pattern entry and gear extension without reducing MAP below 15".
XII. BEFORE LANDING Complete written before-landing checklist on a pattern entry leg or downwind leg if full pattern is flown. (If IFR, this checklist is normally completed at FAF.) After gear is DOWN, adjust power as necessary to maintain airspeed.
XIII. TRAFFIC PATTERN Fly at 80 KIAS. Flaps as necessary. Power as necessary.
XIV. FINAL APPROACH Turn final at 80 KIAS. Extend full flaps. Adjust throttle to maintain absolute minimum of 70 KIAS. Cross runway threshold at MAXIMUM of 70 KIAS on long runway, 65 KIAS on a short field approach. (Moderate or severe turbulence or wind gusts will necessitate increasing these speeds, which will preclude operation onto shorter runways that would normally be more than adequate.) CAUTION! Be sure your heels are well back on the floor to preclude landing with the brakes locked.
XV. LANDING CAUTION! Be sure your feet are off the brakes. CAUTION! Every 10 KIAS over the normal 70 KIAS approach speed will require an additional 800 ft. (approximate) of runway for landing. Make normal nose high landing and delay lowering the nosewheel until directional control is assured. Brake smoothly and gently to taxi speed. Flaps UP. Do not make any high-speed turn-offs, so as to avoid placing damaging side-loading on the landing gear. If your threshold crossing speed is not on target - GO AROUND! If the approach does not result in a full stall landing in the first 1/3 of the runway - GO AROUND! Squadron One will require a MINIMUM of 5 normal, 5 short-field and 5 crosswind take-offs and landings.
XVI. AFTER LANDING After clearing the runway, perform written after landing checklist.
XVII. SHUTDOWN Perform written shutdown checklist. Do not leave the pilot's seat until ALL items are completed. Close pilot's vent window. Secure seatbelt to yoke as gust lock. PLEASE, leave the interior, ashtrays, and pockets clean of debris for the next user. Clean windshield and side windows as necessary. A cleaning fee will be charged if the interior or windows are left uncleaned. DOUBLE CHECK that the Master Switch and ALL lights are OFF. Lock cabin door. Lock baggage door. Secure tie-down ropes. CAUTION! Only the pilot should operate the cabin door so the wind will not blow it open past its normal position and cause damage. Hold onto the handstrap before pushing it open and open it slowly.
XVIII. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Critical emergency procedures must be memorized and proper action taken immediately. A follow-up written checklist should then be consulted (time and situation permitting) to insure that all pertinent items have been completed. Your instructor will expect satisfactory explanations in the following subject areas.
1. | Which instruments and equipment become inoperative when the Master Switch is turned OFF. |
2. | Meaning of annunciator lights and different indications of the lights. |
3. | Engine fire on ground. |
4. | Engine fire in flight. |
5. | Electrical fire on ground. |
6. | Electrical fire in flight. |
7. | Engine failure during take-off roll. |
8. | Engine failure after lift-off. |
9. | Engine failure in cruise flight. |
10. | Rough engine or partial power loss. |
11. | Engine restart in flight. |
12. | Engine out landing. |
13. | Spins. |
14. | Landing gear failure to extend. |
15. | Gear-up landing procedure. |
16. | Door unlatching in flight. |
17. | Alternator power loss. |
18. | Flight in icing conditions. |
19. | Alternate static air source. |
20. | Alternate vacuum source. |
21. | Landing gear failure to retract. |
22. | Emergency exits. |
Of course, in any emergency, the bottom line is for you, the PIC, to do whatever you deem necessary at the time to insure the safety of you and your passengers.